Bonoriau, Do you know where you are going?
All of us, I’m sure, have felt aimless, confused, and unmotivated. There are times when Bonoriau just want to sit in front of the TV and do nothing. A lot of the time it’s not that Bonoriau don’t want to do anything, it’s because Bonoriau don’t know what to do. Escaping this self-imposed exile can be difficult, but not impossible.
The first, and most important step, is to want to do something and be willing to act on it, even just a little bit at a time.
1. Find one goal
To begin, decide what your goal is. Don’t try to do too much at one time. Decide a single, realistic, doable goal. If you have too much on your plate, you will lose energy and become frustrated. Choose one goal and focus only on that goal.
2. What’s your “why”
Find your “why.” Your “why” is the reason you need to accomplish your goal. If your reason is strong enough, it will inspire you.
For example, my “why” for moving my income online is so I can work from anywhere. I think about how great it would be to take my work with me on vacation. I know that sounds strange to most people, but think about this: why are your vacations so short? Usually it’s because you only have so much money for your vacation and you have to go back to work!
What happens if you decide to go on a 3 month vacation to Europe? If I have my job with me, I can rent an apartment in Paris, see the sites during the day while America sleeps, and work in the evening when America wakes up. I don’t have to go home when I run out of money, because I’m earning money to live on every day.
That’s my “why!” It excites me. Find your reason and get excited about it. Dream it. No, do more than dream. Want it. Desire it! Be driven to have it! If your “why” doesn’t drive you to accomplish your goal, then your dream isn’t big enough. Dream bigger.
3. Build on the dream
You can build anticipation by setting a date to make it happen. Get excited about that date and try to make it the most important date in your life.
Post your goal somewhere where you can see it every day. Print it in big letters. Maybe even put pictures below it like a vision board. Think about your goal every time you see it. Dream about. Stay focused on it
4. Commit to doing it by being accountable to others
Being accountable to others means making your goal public. Let everyone know what your goal is. Talk about it often. Give them updates on your progress. Discuss it with new colleagues or friends. Keep in on your mind as often as possible. If you’ve read “the Secret,” you’ll see the wisdom of this.
When you seem to lose motivation for your goal (which is normal), your friends, family and colleagues can help bolster your motivation and keep you on track. They may even have suggestions or ways of helping you accomplish it.
5. Be persistent
Whatever happens, don’t give up on your dreams. Don’t give up on what you want, even if you are losing steam or feeling like it’s not worth it. Slumps in motivation are normal. The path of motivation is like a hilly road. There are ups, there are downs, and sometimes there are detours. But stick with it.
6. Remind yourself daily
Read about your goal to keep it fresh in your mind. If you want to travel, read about places you want to visit. Read about the history. Read comments from others who have been there. Write out your itinerary of where you want to go and what you want to see. Don’t write your plan for IF you go, write your plan for WHEN you go. Make it definite and make is solid.
7. Think about the positive
Concentrate on the benefits of your dream, not the difficulties. Acknowledge to your self, that yes, it may be difficult, but how will you feel when you make your dream come true. Don’t let negative thoughts, or negative people, affect your dream. Dream stealers are everywhere. Don’t listen to them. They simply don’t understand how important your dream is, or they want to stop you from accomplishing your dream because it reminds them of how unhappy they are.
Join Round 3 of the Bucket List Challenge – Reach for the Stars
Round 3 of our Bucket List Challenge begins this Tuesday, February 18,
2025. This is our third and final round of the challenge. I’m calling this
round “Re...
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